Monday 30 January 2023

Vitamin D and Risk factor of Skin Cancer

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that occurs when pigment-producing cells become malignant. It is a particularly dangerous form of skin cancer because it can spread to other parts of the body if not detected and treated early.

University Reviews:

A study conducted by the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital found that fewer cases of melanoma were observed among regular users of vitamin D supplements. Experienced dermatologists also estimated that those taking vitamin D supplements regularly had a significantly lower skin cancer risk. The study, published in Melanoma Research, involved nearly 500 individuals at elevated risk for skin cancer and showed that those who took vitamin D supplements regularly had a reduced incidence of melanoma compared to non-users.

The function of Vitamin D:

Vitamin D is vital for the proper functioning of the human body and may be implicated in various diseases. There has been extensive research on the relationship between vitamin D and skin cancers, with a focus on calcidiol, a metabolite of vitamin D, and its correlation with skin cancers. Previous studies have centered on examining serum levels of calcidiol and its link to skin cancers.


Findings from these studies have been inconclusive and even contradictory at times, as serum calcidiol levels have been associated with both a slightly higher and a slightly lower risk of different skin cancers. This may partly be explained by the fact that serum calcidiol analyses do not provide information on the metabolism of vitamin D in the human skin, which can express enzymes that generate biologically active vitamin D metabolites or inactivate them.

Skin Cancer: 

The new study, conducted under the North Savo Skin Cancer Programmed, took a different approach: 498 adult patients estimated to have an increased risk of skin cancer, such as basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, or melanoma, were recruited at the dermatological outpatient clinic of Kuopio University Hospital. Experienced dermatologists at the University of Eastern Finland carefully analyzed the patients’ background information and medical history and examined their skin.


The dermatologists also classified the patients into different skin cancer risk classes: low risk, moderate risk, and high risk. Based on their use of oral vitamin D supplements, the patients were divided into three groups: non-users, occasional users, and regular users. Serum calcidiol levels were analyzed in half of the patients and found to correspond to their self-reported use of vitamin D.

A key finding of the study is that there were considerably fewer cases of melanoma among regular users of vitamin D than among non-users and that the skin cancer risk classification of regular users was considerably better than non-users. Logistic regression analysis showed that the risk for melanoma among regular users was considerably reduced, more than halved, compared to non-users.

The findings suggest that even occasional users of vitamin D may have a lower risk for melanoma than non-users. However, there was no statistically significant association between the use of vitamin D and the severity of photoaging, facial photoaging, actinic keratoses, nevus count, basal cell carcinoma, and squamous cell carcinoma. Serum calcidiol levels were not significantly associated with these skin changes, either. Since the research design was cross-sectional, the researchers were unable to demonstrate a causal relationship.


Other relatively recent studies, too, have provided evidence of the benefits of vitamin D in melanoma, such as the association of vitamin D with less aggressive melanoma.

“These earlier studies back our new findings from the North Savo region here in Finland. However, the question about the optimal dose of oral vitamin D for its beneficial effects remains to be answered. Until we know more, national intake recommendations should be followed,” Professor of Dermatology and Allergology Ilkka Harvima of the University of Eastern Finland notes.


From above, it concluded that Vitamin D supplementation does not lower the risk of skin cancer. While adequate vitamin D levels are important for overall health, taking large amounts of vitamin D supplements is not a proven method for preventing skin cancer. In fact, excessive sun exposure, a major source of vitamin D, increases the risk of skin cancer. It's best to get vitamin D from a balanced diet and limited sun exposure rather than relying on supplements. Vitamin D supplementation does not reduce the risk of skin cancer. While vitamin D is important for overall health and can help prevent other types of cancer, there is no evidence that it reduces the risk of skin cancer. In fact, excessive sun exposure, a major source of vitamin D, increases the risk of skin cancer.

Tuesday 3 January 2023

Chinese Skin Care Routine


Chinese skincare routines often involve a multi-step process that includes cleansing, toning, essence, serum, and moisturizing. Many Chinese skincare products also incorporate traditional Chinese medicinal herbs into their formulations. Some popular Chinese skincare ingredients include ginseng, green tea, and jade. It is believed that these ingredients can help improve skin health and reduce the signs of aging. Some Chinese skincare routines also include facial massage and facial acupuncture as part of their regimen.

Chinese skincare routines can vary greatly depending on the specific region and culture in China, as well as an individual's personal preferences. However, some common practices in Chinese skin care include:

Double cleansing: This involves using an oil-based cleanser to remove makeup and excess oil, followed by a water-based cleanser to remove any remaining impurities.

Exfoliating: Some people in China use physical exfoliants, such as scrubs or brushes, to remove dead skin cells and improve the skin's texture. Others may use chemical exfoliants, such as alpha hydroxy acids or beta hydroxy acids, to achieve the same result.

Applying toner: Toner is used to balancing the skin's pH and prepare it for the next steps in the skincare routine. In China, toners are often formulated with ingredients such as green tea, licorice, and rice water.

Applying essence: Essences are lightweight, watery products that are used to hydrate and nourish the skin. In China, essences are often made with ingredients like ginseng and ceramides.

Applying serums and treatments: These products are used to target specific skin concerns, such as acne, dark spots, or fine lines and wrinkles.

Applying eye cream: Eye cream is used to moisturize and nourish the delicate skin around the eyes. In China, eye creams are often formulated with ingredients like green tea and ginseng.

Applying moisturizer: Moisturizer is used to hydrate and protect the skin. In China, moisturizers are often made with ingredients like shea butter and camellia oil.

Applying sunscreen: Sunscreen is important for protecting the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays. In China, sunscreens are often formulated with physical blockers, such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

It's important to note that everyone's skin is different, so it's important to find a skincare routine that works for your specific skin type and concerns.




Skin Care & Causes that damage the Skin


You can do many simple things to take care of your skin and keep it looking healthy. Here are a few skincare hacks:

A life hack (or life hacking) is any trick, shortcut, skill, or novelty method that increases productivity and efficiency, in all walks of life. The term was primarily used by computer experts who suffer from information overload or those with a playful curiosity in the ways they can accelerate their workflow in ways other than programming.

  • Cleanse your skin twice a day (morning and night) to remove dirt, oil, and makeup.
  • Use a toner after cleansing to help balance your skin's p
  • Apply a serum with antioxidants to help protect your skin from free radicals.
  • Use an eye cream to moisturize the delicate skin around your eyes.
  • Moisturize your skin to keep it hydrated and supple.
  • Exfoliate your skin a few times a week to remove dead skin cells and reveal radiant, healthy skin.
  • Protect your skin from the sun by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30.
  • Get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of water to help keep your skin looking its best.
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
  • Avoid smoking and limit your alcohol consumption, as these can both be damaging to your skin.

There are several causes of skin damage:

Virtually everything affects the skin. Luckily, there are things around us that benefit the skin as well. Consider the harmful factors that age your skin and what you can do about them to maintain healthy and beautiful skin.


  • Sun exposure: Prolonged and excessive exposure to the sun's UV rays can damage the skin, leading to sunburn, hyperpigmentation, and even skin cancer.
  • Environmental pollution: Pollutants in the air and water can damage the skin, leading to inflammation, dryness, and premature aging.
  • Chemical products: Some skincare and makeup products contain harsh chemicals that can irritate and damage the skin.
  • Smoking: Smoking damages the skin by reducing blood flow, leading to dryness, wrinkles, and a pale, unhealthy complexion.
  • Alcohol consumption: Alcohol can dehydrate the skin, leading to dryness and premature aging.
  • Poor nutrition: A diet low in nutrients can lead to poor skin health and premature aging.
  • Hormonal changes: Hormonal fluctuations, such as those that occur during pregnancy or menopause, can cause changes in the skin.
  • Stress: Stress can lead to inflammation, which can damage the skin.
  • Lack of sleep: Not getting enough sleep can lead to dull, tired-looking skin.
  • Poor skincare routine: Neglecting to cleanse, moisturize, and protect the skin can lead to damage.




Friday 23 December 2022

Benefits Of Banana for Skincare

Watermelon, cucumbers, pineapples, rice, and coconuts are foods you don't often think about on your kitchen counter but have long been staples in the skin and hair care industry. We have a new party guest: Banana. Bananas are essential for beauty because they are rich in nutrients that promote skin health. Rich in potassium and water, it hydrates and moisturizes dry skin, leaving it smooth and supple. Read on to learn all about it, including its benefits, the best banana skin care products, and more.

Skin Brightening

One of the benefits of using bananas for the skin is that banana pulp contains alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that act as a natural exfoliate for the skin by removing dead skin cells to function.

Banana Peel is Antibacterial

Banana Peel is naturally antibacterial due to its high polyphenol content, making it ideal for cleansing the skin. Experts say that these polyphenols also have antioxidant properties, so banana peel oil is the perfect ingredient to use in serums.

Anti-Aging Benefits

Commonly known as Natural Botox, Banana contains anti-wrinkle ingredients that help fade age spots and prevent the formation of fine lines and wrinkles. Combined with other anti-wrinkle pantry products, it can gently nourish, exfoliate and protect mature skin.

Prevents sun damage

While a face mask can replace regular sunscreen, another benefit of bananas on the skin is that they do contain antioxidants that may enhance your skin’s natural ability to protect itself from sun damage. The most notable are vitamins A, C, and E.

Great for stress, dehydrated skin

Banana peel is also incredibly cooling and anti-inflammatory, making it ideal for use on dry or acne-prone skin. Banana pulp is utilized for its moisturizing and hydrating characteristics, and it is often used in hand, body, and face treatments to thoroughly nourish the skin.

Potential side effects of using bananas on the skin

Although unusual, an allergic response to this form of face mask is likely. If you are allergic to bananas or latex, you should avoid using a banana face mask. Pollen allergies might increase your chances of developing banana allergies.

The following symptoms may indicate an allergic response to the banana face mask:

Itching skin

Swelling of the skin


Wheezing, and other asthma symptoms

A severe allergic response to bananas is also possible. Anaphylaxis is a potentially fatal disorder that needs immediate medical attention. Breathing difficulty, face puffiness, and fainting are all symptoms.

Wednesday 21 December 2022

Winter Skin Care with Fruits & Vegetable for Radiant & Youthful Skin

Winter Skin Care: Not only is it fresh and crunchy, but it contains essential nutrients that help prevent seasonal health problems. Winter is here and it's time to make the most of the season. From soaking in the warmth of mittens and blankets to devouring decadent foods, we do it all without guilt. This season is accompanied by coughs, colds, and fevers. It also casts a spell of drying on the skin and lips. When winter comes, our faces lose their shine and radiance.

The skin becomes scaly and the lips crack. And no moisturizer to help bring back the shine. What should I do then? Experts recommend staying hydrated to maintain your body's water balance. Various studies have proven that drinking enough water (and liquids) flushes out toxins, purifies the blood, and enhances your skin's natural glow. In addition, it is also important to eat a balanced diet to absorb all essential nutrients.

Not only the season but also the lifestyle has a great influence on the health of the skin. Today the environment is polluted, and our lives are stressed. All these factors equally compromise skin health, leading to premature wrinkles, dull skin, etc. Introducing seasonal products. Not only are they fresh and crunchy, but they’re also packed with essential nutrients that help prevent seasonal health problems.

Experts explain that a colorful diet (with a variety of winter fruits and vegetables) helps provide your body with all kinds of skin-protecting antioxidants.

Here we have compiled a list of Indian superfoods that are seasonal and helpful in promoting overall skin health.


Crispy red carrots, which are rich in carotene, are coming. These nutrients help flush out toxins, produce collagen, strengthen your skin, and boost your radiance from within. It can be eaten raw (in salad form) or juiced and enjoyed with fresh vegetable juices. You can also make gajjar matar, gajjar rice, etc. to add to your diet.

3. Palak (Spinach): This leafy green is a storehouse of nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, and anti-inflammatory properties. According to health experts, spinach helps protect the skin from oxidative stress, inflammation, the effects of viruses, and more. It also protects the skin from aging, dryness, and blemishes. Palak can be enjoyed in many ways. You can make palak ki sabzi, palak paratha, and a healthy spinach smoothie to add to your winter diet.3. It is known to treat acne, fight breakouts, help relieve irritation, and control skin oiliness.

4. Anar (Pomegranate): Pomegranate is known to have antibacterial effects on the skin. It is known to help treat acne, fight breakouts, soothe irritation and regulate skin oil levels. Just keep munching!

5. Santra (Orange): Rich in antioxidants, oranges are the perfect winter fruit to add to your daily diet. It is rich in vitamin C and works wonders for the skin. Eat as is or squeeze the juice. Orange simply means good! You can drink it as it is or squeeze the fresh juice of 1-2 oranges.

5. Amrood (Guava): This sweet, crunchy fruit is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, beta-carotene,e, and lycopene. Each of these ingredients aids in collagen production, naturally firming the skin and slowing the aging process. The best way to incorporate guavas into your diet is to cut them in half and sprinkle them with salt.

Now that you know the benefits of these delicious fruits and vegetables, we encourage you to stock up on fruit and vegetable baskets at home to make the most of these seasonal fruits and vegetables.

Enjoy a happy and healthy winter, everyone!

Disclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information.

Tuesday 20 December 2022

Hydra Facial Team Reports New Booster

Hydra Facial is a dermatological procedure that combines a simultaneous dermal infusion of medicinal products and crystal-free exfoliation. Hydra Facial’s mechanism of action includes: (a) mechanical stimulation activates the basal layer, and (b) thickening and smoothing the epidermis. Fibroblast activity results in extracellular matrix deposition and dermal thickening. Antioxidants introduced through the procedure hydrate and decrease inflammation in the skin, reversing photodamage, while protecting lipid membranes, collagen fibers, and enzyme systems.

It is considered to be a relatively new procedure that combines microdermabrasion with the pneumatic application of antioxidant-based serums. The addition of polyphenol antioxidants through hydra Facial to a phototherapy regimen enhanced the clinical, biochemical, and histological changes seen following phototherapy alone.


Experience the Hydra facial glow from scalp to toe with our variety of skin-transforming treatments.

3 Steps to the Best Skin of Your Life.

Our device uses Vortex Fusion Technology, which works like a vacuum to penetrate inner pores and increase the effectiveness of the treatment.


Deeply cleanses and exfoliates with a gentle peel to uncover a new layer of skin.


Removes impurities from pores with painless gentle suction.


Saturates the skin’s surface with intense moisturizers and nourishing, personalized ingredients.

Hydra Facial Teams Report New Booster:

The Beauty Health Company, home to flagship brand Hydra Facial, reports that it has launched a new booster co-created with BABOR Skincare, which leverages DOCTOR BABOR’s technology to help increase hydration levels for a smoother, lifted, and more youthful-looking complexion.

The new DOCTOR BABOR Collagen HA booster is available at providers throughout North America.

Delivered with Hydra Facial’s patented magic wand handpiece and vortex fusion technology, this new DOCTOR BABOR Collagen HA booster is inspired by DOCTOR BABOR’s powerful formulations and developed with the BABOR Laboratories in Germany. It is the latest booster in a lineup of customization options for every Hydra Facial treatment.

Key ingredients of the DOCTOR BABOR Collagen HA booster formula include:

Collagen Peptide Complex: Improves the appearance of skin elasticity and firmness for a smoother, lifted, and more youthful-looking complexion

Marine Collagen: Maintains skin youthfulness, glow, and elasticity

Hyaluronic Acid: Plumps up skin with vital hydration for a smoother, softer-looking complexion “BABOR’s expert skincare is developed and formulated at the BABOR Laboratories in Germany where we created the Collagen HA Booster, a powerful skin-plumping collagen, hyaluronic acid super serum, to be used with the Hydra Facial delivery system and BABOR’s proprietary Expert Method techniques. This advanced treatment provides a visibly lifted skin result and exceptional performance-driven skincare benefits,” remarks Tim Waller, co-CEO, of BABOR Beauty Group.

Today, Hydra Facial has a lineup of more than 20 boosters, many co-created with leading skincare brands, which allow estheticians to customize and personalize each Hydra Facial treatment according to a consumer’s particular skin concerns.

“Hydra Facial has created the ultimate customized and personalized skincare experience, and we are pleased to add a new booster from DOCTOR BABOR to our offering,” said Beauty Health President and Chief Executive Officer Andrew Stanley. “DOCTOR BABOR is a world-renowned skincare brand known for their science-driven approach and rich European heritage, making them a natural collaborator for Hydra Facial.”

About The Beauty Health Company: The Beauty Health Company (NASDAQ: SKIN) is a global category-creating company delivering beauty health experiences that help consumers reinvent their relationship with their skin, bodies, and self-confidence. Our flagship brand, Hydra Facial, created the category of hydra dermabrasion by using a patented vortex-fusion delivery system to cleanse, extract, and hydrate the skin with proprietary solutions and serums. Hydra Facial provides a non-invasive and approachable skincare experience. Together, with our powerful community of aestheticians, consumers, and partners, we are personalizing skincare solutions for all ages, genders, skin tones, and skin types. Hydra Facial is available in more than 90 countries with an install base of nearly 25,000 delivery systems providing millions of experiences to consumers each year.

About BABOR BEAUTY GROUP: BABOR BEAUTY GROUP is a German family business, a global player in the skincare industry, and home to some of the most sought-after international beauty brands. The heart of the success is the BABOR brand, which stands for “Expert Skincare. Made in Germany”. The portfolio also includes various private labels. The BABOR BEAUTY GROUP has its own labs and production at the headquarters in Aachen, Germany, and works according to the highest sustainability standards. The third generation of the owner family has been heading the company since 2014 – Dr. Martin Grab Lowitz and Isabel Bonacker lead the Board of Directors.